Mixed Script Scans

Haiku in Four Seasons (Hayku dar Chahar Fasl)
Japanese Haiku in Kanji/Kana, Romanji, and Farsi, with Farsi commentary
Musilin Hui Hua
(Horizontal) Chinese footnotes on an Arabic text, mixed Chinese and Arabic
Traditional Chinese Catalog with Arabic Listings
Includes vertical top-to-bottom Arabic listings.
  1. pp. 12-13
  2. pp. 14-15
  3. pp. 16-17
Chinese about Mongolian
Mongolian in Horizontal Chinese
  1. pg. 128
  2. pg. 129
Multi-Script Dictionary
The primary language of this dictionary is Mongolian; the first few scans are introductory text in Mongolian.
  1. pg. 4
  2. pg. 8
  3. pg. 31
  4. pg. 178
  5. pg. 245
Taiwanese Booklet
Traditional Chinese with inline Arabic and Latin
  1. pg. 13
  2. pg. 16
  3. pg. 88
Mongolian Script Tutorial
Upright vertical Cyrillic alongside Mongolian
  1. clip from pg. 12
Translating Genji
Vertical-layout Japanese journal article apparently about English translations of the Tale of Genji. Sophisticated mixed English/Japanese typesetting including English paragraphs with Japanese notes, Japanese paragraphs with English quotes, underlines in both languages, ruby on English, syllable markings, Japanese-style citation (footnote) markings, and other fun things.
  1. Translating Genji (pg. 38-39)
  2. Translating Genji (pg. 40-41)
  3. Translating Genji (pg. 42-43)