Log for #mozilla: 2003-03-06 ---------------------------- 19:34 <@blake> jwz: why don't you use firefox? I think it hides the profile manager. 19:34 -!- ChrisC [~ChrisC@c-24-98-209-198.atl.client2.attbi.com] has left #mozilla [Leaving] 19:34 < gisburn> ajschult: page encoding is UTF8 19:34 < jwz> blake: because I don't want to be running a beta (or alpha or whatever it is) 19:34 < Sparr> i cant figure out why its being rendered as white 19:35 < jwz> blake: also, because I can't think in russian 19:35 <@blake> jwz: in russian? 19:35 * jwz watches the joke go "whoosh" 19:36 <@blake> sorry, i'm an idiot. i only pick up on the funny ones :) 19:36 < jwz> firefox is named after a remarkably bad clint eastwood movie from the 80s where he steals a russian airplane - it's mentally-controlled, but you have to think in russian 19:37 < kerz> it's not actually named after that 19:37 < kerz> but anyways. 19:37 < jwz> yeah right - that's what they WANT you to think 19:37 * Wolf looks, notices, and hides... 19:38 < kerz> mmhmm. 19:38 < gisburn> bryner: why is the universal charset detector off for firefox ? 19:38 < ajschult> actually, it's what THEY want you to think 19:38 * ajschult points at blake 19:39 <@bryner> gisburn: probably because no one knew enough about it to make a decision about it. it's the same setting as seamonkey has. 19:40 < gisburn> bryner: AFAIK seamonkey has the universal detector ON by defaulrt 19:40 < jwz> so... when firefox is "done" it's going to just be called "mozilla", right? 19:40 <@blake> uh no 19:40 < jwz> um. why? 19:40 <@blake> it's going to be called "Mozilla Firefox" 19:40 < gisburn> NO 19:40 <@blake> well, a few reasons. 19:40 <@blake> first, I dont know if you noticed, but mozilla-the-giant-blog was a failure 19:41 <@blake> er, blob 19:41 <@blake> second, "mozilla" is the name of a browser, an e-mail app, a webpage editor, a kitchen sink.. 19:41 < jwz> well, at last count there have been four different rewrites named "mozilla". why not go for five 19:41 < Wolf> the sink was left out. heh 19:41 <@Asa> fatbaby isn't going away anytime soon either 19:41 < aebrahim> swalker: hi, what did you need yesterday? 19:41 <@blake> jwz: because this last one is the one that's succeeding. 19:41 <@bryner> gisburn: what's the pref called to enable it? 19:41 < Sparr> eventually, in a perfect world, firefox and thunderbird would be "finished", reincorporated into a PROPERLY COMPARTMENTALIZED distribution, and distributed as parts of mozilla 19:41 < jwz> "this time for sure!" 19:41 < swalker> aebrahim: have you built an opt firebird in the last few days? 19:42 <@blake> jwz: this time for sure indeed--have you seen the reviews? 19:42 < aebrahim> swalker: no, i haven't. are you seen a problem? 19:42 < aebrahim> s/seen/seeing 19:42 < gisburn> bryner:*shrug* ... smontagu knows that 19:42 < jwz> blake: no, I've paid it pretty close to zero attention, aside from getting a giggle-fit when it has to change its name every three months 19:42 < swalker> aebrahim: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=235087 19:42 <@blake> jwz: that's too bad. the rest of the world has been paying attention. 19:43 < jwz> blake: I just sell beer 19:43 <@blake> heh 19:43 < aebrahim> swalker: can you list your enable-optimize mozconfing entry? 19:43 < swalker> aebrahim: it happens with just --enable-optimize 19:43 <@blake> jwz: do you know how to code? I can help you submit some patches to firefox if you want to get on the bandwagon:) 19:43 < aebrahim> swalker: odd, has anyone reproduced? 19:43 < swalker> aebrahim: no afaik :( 19:44 < aebrahim> swalker: let me try 19:44 < aebrahim> swalker: i'll do a VC6 compile and VC7.1 compile and see how it goes 19:44 * ajschult points blake to http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/ 19:44 * kerz patpats ajschult 19:44 <@blake> ajschult: I mean code on a project of this scale, not a silly screensaver... 19:45 < aebrahim> swalker: i haven't fired up my compilers in a while, have to double check my scripts to make sure they'll still work :) 19:45 < swalker> aebrahim: heh 19:45 < gabrielle> sup mah bitchez. 19:45 <@blake> Hi Gabrielle Marshal 19:45 < gabrielle> hi blakey-poo. 19:46 -!- Asa changed the topic of #mozilla to: jwz: do you know how to code? I can help you submit some patches to firefox if you want to get on the bandwagon:)