Log for #developers: 2005-05-06 (edited) ---------------------------------------- 16:53 -!- Irssi: #developers: Total of 96 nicks [4 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 92 normal] 16:53 -!- Irssi: Join to #developers was synced in 1 secs 16:54 < timeless> brendan? 16:54 < timeless> cx->fp->script->atomMap->vector[0] 16:54 < timeless> should that be valid in general? 16:55 < timeless> http://viper.haque.net/~timeless/jslpwf.feeefeee.crash 16:55 * timeless is very close to blaming fastload 16:56 < fantasai> dbaron? 17:03 < rob_strong> Would someone with cvs access be willing to checkin the patch for bug 291946 please? 17:04 < fantasai> Asa? 17:04 < fantasai> bz? roc? 17:08 < db48x> rob_strong: sure 17:08 < rob_strong> db48x: thanks again 17:12 < db48x> rob_strong: you're welcome 17:12 < db48x> it's done 17:12 <@dbaron> fantasai, ? 17:12 <@bz> fantasai: yes? 17:13 < fantasai> dbaron: if 1.8 beta /2/ is scheduled for release early next week, 17:13 < fantasai> dbaron,bz: what happens to the rest of the roadmap schedule? 17:13 <@bz> fantasai: you're asking the wrong people 17:13 < fantasai> http://www.mozilla.org/roadmap.html#schedule 17:13 <@dbaron> fantasai, Asa (and maybe brendan) may have been working on that 17:14 <@bz> fantasai: There's a new plan, sorta. With a beta 3 and beta 4(?) 17:14 <@bz> fantasai: "feature driven" is the claim 17:14 < fantasai> uh-huh 17:14 < fantasai> so.. 17:14 <@bz> fantasai: I've basically stopped paying attention 17:14 < biesi> beta _4_? 17:14 < fantasai> do I extend the April 5th freeze to text week or what? 17:14 < biesi> oh, wait 17:14 * bz shrugs 17:14 < biesi> beta 3 has always been the plan, no? 17:14 < fantasai> *next 17:15 < biesi> beta2 =~ ff 1.1alpha, beta3 =~ ff 1.1beta 17:15 <@bz> for some values of always, yes 17:15 <@bz> There are possible plans for a second ff 1.1 beta 17:15 <@bz> But "shorter milestones" 17:15 <@bz> or something 17:15 <@bz> fantasai: what do you mean? 17:15 * fantasai hasn't actually been paying attention to checking rules 17:15 < fantasai> bz: ok, so we froze for 1.8beta2 on April 5th, yes? 17:15 <@bz> fantasai: need driver approval 17:16 <@bz> fantasai: I think so.... 17:16 <@bz> fantasai: and we're frozen until we branch 17:16 < fantasai> bz: that freeze has continued until now 17:16 <@bz> fantasai: I'm assuming no sooner than two months from now 17:16 < fantasai> bz: with no "release", yes? 17:16 <@bz> fantasai: but maybe I'll be wrong 17:16 <@bz> fantasai: correct 17:17 < fantasai> ok.. 17:17 < fantasai> so this milestone (1.8b2) is going through two stages of freeze 17:17 < fantasai> The cycle started end of February 17:17 < fantasai> we froze softly on April 5th 17:17 < fantasai> and we're freezing hard today 17:17 <@bz> or something 17:17 <@bz> yeah 17:17 < fantasai> and aiming for a release, let's say, the 10th of May 17:18 < fantasai> dbaron: does that sound about right? 17:18 <@bz> fantasai: sounds like something more or less about right... 17:18 <@bz> fantasai: but I'm not a driver, so just guessing here 17:19 < Andrew> FF 2? 10th of may? 17:19 < fantasai> Andrew: no. 17:19 < fantasai> Andrew: Gecko 1.8 beta 2 17:20 < Andrew> o 17:20 < Andrew> ok 17:20 * fantasai waits for dbaron 17:22 * fantasai notes that FF1.1 was not supposed to be a feature release, just a "merge with the trunk" release... 17:22 <@bz> fantasai: People laugh at me every time I recall that.... 17:23 < biesi> I'm so glad that communication in this project works so well 17:24 * fantasai is just trying to keep roadmap.html's schedule up-to-date 17:26 <@dbaron> fantasai, let Asa do it 17:41 -!- bz is now known as bz_food 21:06 -!- Asa [asa@c-67-188-159-252.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers 21:21 < fantasai> Asa? 21:26 -!- dbaron [dbaron@c-67-161-21-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers 21:27 < Asa> fantasai: ? 21:27 < fantasai> Asa: So, just so I'm understanding this all correctly... 21:28 < fantasai> Asa: the 1.8 beta 2 freeze of April 5th was a soft freeze, we're doing a hard freeze today, and the release is targetted for ~ 10th May? 21:28 < Asa> depends. 21:29 < fantasai> what depends on what? 21:29 < Asa> a freeze is a freeze. we always tighten down in the final stages of a freeze. 21:29 < Asa> in retrospect, yeah, it has been kinda soft. it wasn't planned as that though. 21:29 < Asa> we had long poles that kept us slipping so we took non-essential fixes. 21:29 < Asa> while we waited on the critical fixes to come in. 21:30 < WeirdAl> Asa: such as the stop-sharing-between-content-and-chrome fix? :) 21:30 < Asa> but that doesn't mean we froze with the intent of having a long soft freeze and them some harder freeze later. 21:30 < Asa> so it depends on what you intend to do with my answer how I answer :-) 21:31 < Asa> if it's to document what actually happened, maybe your description is good. If it's to document what we're attempting or how thing should go, then I'd say not so much. 21:32 < Asa> fantasai: a lot of how we manage things doesn't distill easily. there are just too many variables. 21:32 < Asa> even the word "freeze" clearly isn't accurage. 21:33 <@bz> Clearly. 21:33 < WeirdAl> hey bz :) 21:33 < Asa> if we were being accurate, we'd say "managed checkin period" or "more heavily managed checkin period." 21:33 < fantasai> Asa: ok 21:33 < fantasai> Asa: so what should go on the roadmap? 21:33 < Asa> but "we're entering the more heavily manged checkin period on Tuesday night" isn't as easy to say as "we're freezing tuesday night." 21:34 * bz updates all his trees to back on Wednesday 21:35 < Asa> fantasai: not sure what should go on the roadmap. 21:35 < Asa> maybe replace the roadmap with a buglist :-) 21:35 <@bz> That would actually help 21:35 <@bz> A lot. 21:36 <@bz> It would give people who know what's going on a much better idea of what the state of things is. 21:36 < Asa> well, it would help some things. 21:36 < fantasai> Asa: well, I think the rest of the roadmap should just be cleared out at this point 21:36 <@bz> And it would leave people who don't know what's going on just as much in the dark as they are now. 21:36 <@bz> It would help me manage my time. 21:36 < fantasai> Asa: it's just not accurate anymore, so it's a lot of clutter that doesn't need to be there 21:36 < Asa> except that it's useful to actually put some dates down, like freezes. 21:36 < Asa> fantasai: take that up with brendan, not me. 21:36 <@bz> It's not useful if we all happily ignore them, Asa. 21:37 * fantasai seconds that 21:37 < fantasai> Asa: I'll do that 21:37 * tor seconds the "clear out the roadmap document" plan 21:37 < Asa> bz: we don't all ignore them. I don't ignore when we freeze. if people are checking in without approval during a freeze, I don't ignore them either. 21:38 <@bz> Asa: and it's worse than useful if some of us pay attention to them whereas others blithely expect the schedule to change to accomodate them 21:38 <@bz> Asa: I'm talking about the dates. 21:38 <@bz> Asa: not about the freezes. 21:38 <@bz> er, worse than useless. 21:38 <@bz> It's actively harmful. 21:38 < Asa> we can't be purely date driven and we can't be purely bug driven. 21:38 < Asa> that means we'll never satisfy everyone. 21:38 <@bz> Sure. 21:38 <@bz> That's not what I'm talking about. 21:39 < Asa> all we can do is try to post more frequently where we think we are today 21:39 <@bz> Do you see me complaining about a pet bug I didn't get in? 21:39 < fantasai> but you can't be changing your overall goals for each release in the midst of a cycle, either 21:39 <@bz> Asa: no 21:39 < Asa> and where we think we can be in the next few days 21:39 <@bz> Asa: what you can do is _enforce_ things. 21:39 <@bz> Asa: Like "if the feature isn't in the plan by now, it's not in" 21:39 <@bz> Asa: subject to discussion with module owners if the feature is wanted badly, etc. 21:39 < Asa> sometimes our goals do change, fantasai. we don't live in a vacuume 21:40 < Asa> bz: yeah, we do a lot of that. 21:40 <@bz> Asa: our goals have changed every single time. 21:40 < Asa> yes. and they changed many times because they needed to change. 21:40 <@bz> Asa: All I'm saying is that this make "us" (the foundation) very painful to work with 21:41 < Asa> what do you expect to happen, when half of our resources are sucked into a few security releases, for example, rather than focused on the original plans? 21:41 < Asa> bz: yes. it does. 21:41 <@bz> Asa: By the time the security releases happened, we had completely dropped the original plans 21:41 <@bz> Asa: from what I could see 21:41 <@bz> Asa: so sorry, I don't buy that... 21:41 < Asa> and if there are ways we can decrease the pain where the cost isn't shipping quality software or hiring another 50 people, then I'm all for it. 21:41 < Asa> bz: not true. 21:42 < Asa> we had already amended the plan a couple of times but it was mostly still in tact. 21:42 <@bz> It wasn't intact by the time aviary landed on trunk 21:43 <@bz> Which happened 6 weeks later than planned... 21:45 < fantasai> tor: mail sent to brendan, cc'ed staff 21:45 < mconnor> bz: that's because I wasn't harassing ben enough ;) 21:54 < Paper> I wouldn't say "painfull", I'd say "annoying". I don't know what to sit on, or what I should try to get in when the roadmap says 1.8b2 is supposed to be released almost a month ago. 21:54 < Paper> I don't even know if 1.8b3 is going to be pushed forward, or stay on the "May 20th" schedule 21:57 < Paper> From my perspective, the last month of partial freeze has really just been a free-for-all with drivers doing approvals. IMO, that's no way to force developers to fix up the few blockers. I've checked in stuff that I wouldn't consider checking in on a partial freeze, because everyone else is putting in far risky things (or even new features) 21:57 < Paper> s/risky/riskier/ 22:00 * Paper goes back to playing with a GDIPlus renderer for Canvas 22:01 <@bz> going to sleep soon.... 22:01 < timelyx> ajschult: pong 22:01 < ajschult> hey timelyx 22:01 < ajschult> can you commit bug 285653? 22:01 < ajschult> (the last patch) 22:02 < ajschult> (a= in the last comment)