"對面的女孩看過來" This is a copy of the lyrics as posted to YouTube by spiricom489. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hgvzj1l4wE http://www.youtube.com/user/spiricom489 對面的 女孩 看過來﹐ duìmiànde nǚhái, kànguòlái The girl across (the street), look over here! 看過來﹐看過來﹐ kànguòlái, kànguòlái Look over here; look over here! 這裡的 表演 很 精彩﹐ zhèlǐde biǎoyǎn hěn jīngcǎi The performance here is splendid 請 不要 假裝 不理不睬。 qǐng búyào jiǎzhuāng bùlǐbùcǎi Please don't pretend not to pay any attention. 對面的 女孩 看過來﹐ duìmiànde nǚhái, kànguòlái The girl across (the street), look over here! 看過來﹐看過來﹐ kànguòlái, kànguòlái Look over here; look over here! 不要 被 我的 樣子 嚇壞﹐ búyào bèi wǒde yàngzi xiàhuài Don't be frightened by my looks. 其實 我 很 可愛。 qíshí wǒ hěn kěài Actually I am quite likable. 寂寞 男孩 的 悲哀﹐ jímò nánhái de bēiāi The sorrow of a lonely boy, 說出來﹐誰 明白﹖ shuōchūlái, shéi míngbái even if I say it out loud, who'd understand? 求求 你 拋個 媚眼 過來﹐ qiúqiú nǐ pāoge mèiyǎn guòlái I beg of you to throw me an enticing look. 哄哄 我﹐逗 我 樂 開懷。 hǒnghǒng wǒ, dòu wǒ lè kāihuái Humor me, and make me happy. (哈哈哈﹐沒人理我。 hā hā hā, méirén lǐ wǒ Hehehe, nobody is paying me any attention.) **我 左看﹐右看﹐上看﹐下看﹐ wǒ zuǒkàn, yòukàn, shàngkàn, xiàkàn I look left, right, upward, and downward. 原來 每個 女孩 都 不簡單﹐ yuánlái měige nǚhái dōu bùjiǎndān It turns out that every girl is complicated. 我 想了 又 想﹐ 我 猜了又 猜﹐ wǒ xiǎngle yòu xiǎng, wǒ cāile yòu cāi I thought and thought some more; I guessed and guessed some more. 女孩們 的 心事 還 真 奇怪。** nǚháimen de xīnshì hái zhēn qíguài Girls' thoughts are really strange. 寂寞 男孩 的 蒼蠅拍﹐ jímò nánhái de cāngyíngpāi Lonely boy's fly-swatter, 左 拍拍﹐右 拍拍﹐ zuǒ pāipai, yòu pāipai slap left, and slap right. 為什麼 還是 沒人 來 愛﹐ wèishénme háishì méirén lái ài How come still nobody comes to love me? 無人問津﹐真 無奈。 wúrénwènjīn, zhēn wúnài Nobody is interested. It's really frustrating. 對面的 女孩 看過來﹐ duìmiànde nǚhái, kànguòlái The girl across (the street), look over here! 看過來﹐看過來﹐ kànguòlái, kànguòlái Look over here; look over here! 寂寞 男孩﹐情竇初開﹐ jímò nánhái qíngdòuchūkāi Lonely boy's first love has just awaken. 需要 你 給 我 一點 愛。 xūyào nǐ gěi wǒ yìdiǎn ài I need you to give me a little love. 愛﹐愛 。。。。 ài, ài Love, love.... **我 左看﹐右看﹐上看﹐下看﹐ wǒ zuǒkàn, yòukàn, shàngkàn, xiàkàn I look left, right, upward, and downward. 原來 每個 女孩 都 不簡單﹐ yuánlái měige nǚhái dōu bùjiǎndān It turns out that every girl is complicated. 我 想了 又 想﹐ 我 猜了又 猜﹐ wǒ xiǎngle yòu xiǎng, wǒ cāile yòu cāi I thought and thought some more; I guessed and guessed some more. 女孩們 的 心事 還 真 奇怪。** nǚháimen de xīnshì hái zhēn qíguài Girls' thoughts are really strange. 愛真 奇怪。 ài zhēn qíguài Love is really strange. Lai lai lai ..... O Hei O Lai lai lai...... Oooo (唉﹐算了﹐回家 吧﹗ ai, suàinle, huíjiā ba Sigh. Forget it. I might as well go home.)