Mixed Script Scans
- Haiku in Four Seasons (Hayku dar Chahar Fasl)
- Japanese Haiku in Kanji/Kana, Romanji, and Farsi, with Farsi commentary
- Musilin Hui Hua
- (Horizontal) Chinese footnotes on an Arabic text, mixed Chinese and Arabic
- Traditional Chinese Catalog with Arabic Listings
- Includes vertical top-to-bottom Arabic listings.
- pp. 12-13
- pp. 14-15
- pp. 16-17
- Chinese about Mongolian
- Mongolian in Horizontal Chinese
- pg. 128
- pg. 129
- Multi-Script Dictionary
- The primary language of this dictionary is Mongolian; the first few scans are introductory text in Mongolian.
- pg. 4
- pg. 8
- pg. 31
- pg. 178
- pg. 245
- Taiwanese Booklet
- Traditional Chinese with inline Arabic and Latin
- pg. 13
- pg. 16
- pg. 88
- Mongolian Script Tutorial
- Upright vertical Cyrillic alongside Mongolian
- clip from pg. 12
- Translating Genji
- Vertical-layout Japanese journal article apparently about English translations of the Tale of Genji. Sophisticated mixed English/Japanese typesetting including English paragraphs with Japanese notes, Japanese paragraphs with English quotes, underlines in both languages, ruby on English, syllable markings, Japanese-style citation (footnote) markings, and other fun things.
- Translating Genji (pg. 38-39)
- Translating Genji (pg. 40-41)
- Translating Genji (pg. 42-43)