CSSWG Spec Publications Status

Last Updated
Previous Report

Estimates the answer to “How out of date is the spec?”
Does not estimate the answer to “How broken is the spec?” (How bad are the unresolved issues?)

Somewhat Outdated
Substantially Outdated / Missing FPWD
Module Level Status Latest ED→TR WG→ED GH Notes
CSS Core
2020 NT 2020
align 3 WD 2020/04 Close to CR. May be split?
animations 1 WD 2018/10 ? TR/ED diff purely editorial.
animations 2 WD None × ? ????
backgrounds 3 CR 2020/12
backgrounds 4 ED None × × Needs major editing work.
block 3 ED None Not yet taken up.
box 3 CR 2020/12
box 4 WD 2020/4 margin-trim needs design review particularly from authors
break 3 CR 2018/12 a few open issues
break 4 WD 2018/12
cascade 3 REC 2021/02
cascade 4 WD 2021/03 LCWD
cascade 5 WD 2021/03
color 3 REC 2018/06
color 4 WD 2020/11 ?
color 5 WD 2020/03 ×
color hdr UD None
color-adjust 1 WD 2020/11
compositing 1 CR 2015/01 ?
compositing 2 ED × ? Needs FPWD?
conditional 3 CR 2020/12 Disposition of Comments
conditional 4 WD 2020/03
contain 1 REC 2020
contain 2 WD 2020/06
content 3 WD 2019/08 ?
counter-styles 3 CR 2017/12 × TR missing changes to cjk-earthly-branch & cjk-heavenly-stem
device-adapt 1 WD 2016/03 × Retirement pending FPWD of non-existant css-viewport
display 3 CR 2020/12
easing 1 CR 2019/04 TR needs editorial update.
env 1 ED × × Needs FPWD
exclusions 1 WD 2015/01 Mostly abandoned atm...
extensions 1 ED × ? Shouldn't this be UD?
fill-stroke 3 WD 2017/04 × TR only a few minor edits behind
filter-effects 1 2018/12 × TR editorially behind very minorly
filter-effects 2 ED × ? No FPWD, either make one or drop to UD?
flexbox 1 WD 2018/11 ×
floats 3 × ×
fonts 3 REC 2018/09
fonts 4 WD 2020/11 ?
gcpm 3 WD 2014/05 ×
gcpm 4 ED Should it be UD?
grid 1 CR 2020/12
grid 2 CR 2020/12
highlight-api 1 WD 2020/10 ? ?
images 3 CR 2020/12
images 4 WD 2017/04 × ×
inline 3 WD 2020/08
line-grid 1 WD 2014/09 ×
lists 3 WD 2020/11
logical 1 WD 2018/08
motion 1 WD 2018/12 Should be pushed to CR
multicol 1 WD 2019/10 1 edit away from CR since January
multicol 2 ED
namespaces 3 REC 2014/03 one open editorial request
nav 1 WD 2019/11 ?
nesting 1 ED ? Needs FPWD if we want to do this
overflow 3 WD 2020/06
overflow 4 WD 2017/06 × TR is missing text-overflow draft
overscroll 1 WD 2019/06
page 3 WD 2018/10 TR is missing page-orientation
page 4 ED Delete?
page-floats 3 WD 2015/09 × Major redesign resolved, not edited.
page-template 1 UD
position 3 WD 2020/05
preslev 1 NOTE 2014/10 Hasn't been moved to new shortname scheme
pseudo 4 WD 2020/12
regions 1 WD 2014/10 ?
rhythm 1 WD 2017/09 ×
round-display 1 WD 2016/12 Minor editorial fixes missing from TR
ruby 1 WD 2021/03 Disposition of Comments
scoping 1 WD 2014/14 ×
scroll-anchoring 1 WD 2020/02 ○? TR missing a decent chunk of new algorithm
scrollbars 1 WD 2018/09 ? Needs open issues to be resolved, considering any new feature requests, then a new “CR-ready” working draft if the group resolves on freezing features in this level.
scroll-snap 1 CR 2021/03
shadow-parts 1 WD 2018/11
shapes 1 CR 2014/03 ×
shapes 2 ED ?
size-adjust 1 ED ? ????
sizing 3 WD 2021/03
sizing 4 WD 2020/10 ×
speech 1 WD 2020/03 TR is missing editorial cleanup.
style-attr 1 REC 2013/11 × Parsing rules differ in the case of at-rules. Somehow this was lost before REC publication.
syntax 3 CR 2019/07 ×
tables 3 WD 2019/07
template 1 NOTE 2015/03 Archived R&D
text 3 CR 2020/12
text 4 WD 2019/11 TR just missing text-spacing: auto
text-decor 3 CR 2019/08
text-decor 4 WD 2020/05
transforms 1 CR 2019/2 ×
transforms 2 WD 2020/03 ×
transitions 1 WD 2018/10 Someone should take this to CR.
transitions 2 ED ? ????
ui 3 REC 2018/06 Editorial
ui 4 WD 2020/01
values 3 WD 2019/06 A few minor clarifications requested. Can go to REC soon if willing to do QA.
values 4 WD 2020/11
variables 1 WD 2015/12 × × TR severely out of date.
will-change 1 CR 2015/12
writing-modes 3 REC 2019/12 Some cross-links with css-inline not yet updated on TR.
writing-modes 4 CR 2019/07 Some cross-links with css-inline not yet updated on TR.
CSS2 2 REC 2011/06 × × Pending multipage Bikeshed?
mediaqueries 3 REC 2012/06 TR missing “ASCII” clarification to “case-insensitive” and new shortname.
mediaqueries 4 CR 2020/07
mediaqueries 5 WD 2020/07 TR is missing keyword renaming.
selectors 3 REC 2018/11
selectors 4 WD 2018/11 × ×
1 NOTE 2019/04
cssom 1 WD 2016/03 × ×
cssom-view 1 WD 2016/03 × ×
font-loading 3 WD 2014/05 × ?
geometry 1 CR 2018/12 ×
matrix 1 NOTE 2018/04 Way too many pages of boilerplate for a redirect…
resize-observer 1 WD 2020/02 ○? TR is missing FrozenArray and SVG-related edits.
scroll-animations 1 ED × Missing FPWD
web-animations 1 WD 2018/10 ?
web-animations 2 ED ? ????
3 ED ? ????

You can Edit This File in GitHub and/or poke fantasai on IRC for fixes. This report was originally commissioned by Alan Stearns and is currently sponsored by Google.