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Elika J Etemad (fantasai)
W3C Advisory Board, Invited Expert

Implementing a Member-led Process

W3C Process

Lives at https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/

Director-led Process

Roles of the Director

Process 2023

Director-free Process

Community-led Process

Process 2023 Task List


Team: Administrative Tasks and Procedural Verifications

Oversight: Team Decisions can be appealed by filing a Formal Objection.

Team Decisions (Review)

Team Decision

Decisions made by members of the Team in connection with this Process, based on their own individual or collective judgement.

CEO: Disciplinary Actions

CEO responsible for disciplinary action against participants

The CEO may take disciplinary action, including suspending or removing for cause a participant in any group (including the AB and TAG) if serious and/or repeated violations, such as failure to meet the requirements on individual behavior of (a) this process and in particular the CEPC, or (b) the membership agreement, or (c) applicable laws, occur.

TimBL: Founding Director’s TAG Seat

Permanent seat on the TAG goes to Tim Berners-Lee personally

The TAG consists of:

Team + AB/TAG: Appointments

Team + AB/TAG: Failures

AC/W3C Decisions (Director-free)

A W3C Decision is determined by the Team on behalf of the W3C community by assessing the consensus of the W3C Community after an Advisory Committee review.

Constrain Powers

AC Review Outcome Constraints

Early Group Closure Limits

AB/TAG Ratifications of Team Actions

Clean Up Definitions

Generalize Definition of Consensus

Allow re-use in contexts that don’t allow Formal Objections (e.g. Council)


A substantial number of individuals in the set support the decision and there is no sustained objection from anybody in the set.

Generalize Editorial vs Substantive

Editorial vs Substantive previously only defined for REC-track documents

Editorial Change

Changes that do not functionally affect interpretation of the document.

Generalize Formal Objections

Addressing Formal Objections

W3C Council: Adjudication vs Escalation

The purpose of a Formal Objection in the W3C Process was to escalate a decision to a higher authority, not necessarily because it was improperly made, but because the objector believed the decision to be wrong.

Tim Berners-Lee ⇒ AB + TAG + CEO

W3C Council: Benefits of Council Escalation

Reminder: Vote in W3C Elections!

Formal Objection Process

Council Powers and Responsibilities

Council Decisions

Consensus & Qualitative Judgement > Quantitative Voting

Board of Directors

Board of Directors Process Integration

Process 2023 Review

Process Draft:
Changes List:
Design Considerations FAQ:
Council Guide:
Previous Council Reports: