Notes on good practices, drawn from discussions over the years.
Read Tantek Çelik's excellent articles:
Pocket-Sized Design: Taking Your Website to the Small Screen
This article presents a set of general suggestions for creating a handheld-friendly style sheet that works well even on handheld screens no wider than 120px.
Is Design Hard? Frameworks vs. Hand-coding by Zeldman
Content and Hype, or, English Composition for Marketers
A professional attitude means being honest and straightforward: it means presenting yourself well. It does not mean pretending to be what you're not.
Seamless Localization with Static Files on Apache 2.0+
I'm in the school of thought that thinks speakers of languages other than English shouldn't be given a second-rate website experience when the translations and technology for a first-rate experience all already exist.
Principles for Designing Webite URI Structures
The URI structure should reflect the best logical organization of the documents on the server by exploiting its hierarchical nature.
See "Adding Files" and "Linking, Anchors, and URLs" in the draft Documenation Style Guide